Appointed Positions within
the Vancouver Island Monthly Meeting

Email addresses for each role and committee are at the bottom of each Fern Street News, or on the bulletin board in the Meetinghouse.
Appointments are made by the Monthly Meeting following recommendation of its Nominating Committee. New appointments are normally confirmed in June and usually begin at the beginning of September.
The list of current appointments is available from the Admin Clerk or a member of the Nominating Committee.
Clerk, Presiding:
Prepares the agenda and the business to be presented to the Meeting for its consideration. In the manner of Friends, presides at the Meeting for Worship for Business. (See page for description of M4W4B)
Clerk, Recording:
Creates minutes in collaboration with the clerk; and records and maintains the minutes of the Meeting for Worship for Business.
Clerk, Admin:
Supports the work of the Presiding and Recording Clerks. Receives much of the Meeting’s correspondence.
Communications committee:
(2 to 4 people) is responsible for the Meeting’s website (, directory, Fern Street News, and a variety of other communication and outreach issues, including Internet and other technology in support of blended meetings.
Education and Outreach:
Currently inactive (2-4) Initiates and/or coordinates educational opportunities that deepen the experience of spiritual and community connectedness within and beyond the Meeting. They may assist others to carry out their leadings to enrich our community life. This committee may reach out to the larger community, creating or responding to opportunities to connect with Quakers.
Finance Committee:
(2 or 3 people) Responsible for the finances of the Meeting including supporting the Treasurer and Bookkeeper’s accounting of revenue, allocation of resources, and preparation of a spending forecast. Approves requests for financial support for travel.
Finances: Reviewer:
Periodically reviews the practices and records of Finance Committee and the Treasurer.
Finances: Treasurer:
(1 person) Receives and disburses funds as directed by the Meeting and keeps an account of all monies received and paid out; issues appropriate tax receipts; meets Federal Government requirements for reporting and maintenance of our tax exempt status. Attends and is supported by the Finance Committee.
Finances: Bookkeeper:
Deals with all matters in support of the Treasurer — especially the tracking of all financial transactions, banking, weekly collection of donations, bill payments — but not the Federal Government reporting requirements. Attends and is supported by the Finance committee.
Fern Street News Editor:
(1 person, with the support of Communications Committee) Edits and distributes a regular newsletter with personal, local and national Quaker news and related information. Attends and is supported by the Communications Committee.
Maintain the Meeting library of books, magazines, and electronic resources (in Victoria) that are available to members/ attenders from any worshipping group.
Marriage Registrars:
(2 people) Who have to be registered with the Provincial Government. Administer legal, reporting, and recording requirements for Quaker marriages under the care of the Meeting. Currently shared with Cowichan Valley Quakers.
Ministry & Counsel (M&C):
(4 or 5) Nurtures the spiritual life of the Meeting and focuses the attention of the Meeting on needs of individual members and our community as a whole; oversees weddings, requests for membership and memorial meetings, as well as Pastoral Care, Children’s Committee and welcoming newcomers.
(2 or 3 people nominated by a Naming committee as vacancies arise at the end of individual terms) Develops and presents a list of nominations for consideration by the Monthly Meeting. The committee recommends candidates who can best serve according to their talents, interests, and the Meeting’s needs. Volunteers are encouraged to inform Nominating regarding their special interest for service. May also bring forward names for Canadian Yearly Meeting service.
(1 person at large, plus 1 person named by M&C and 1 by Property committee). Supports and supervises the service of the Meetinghouse Residents, including selection and periodic review.
(2 or 3 Victoria Friends, plus the Resident Friend). Responsible for the maintenance of the Meetinghouse and grounds, and providing guidelines for the use of the Meetinghouse by outside groups. Encourages engagement of all Friends in this work.
(1 or 2 Friends). Responsible to keep our archival records in good order; submits records to CYM or Provincial archives; maintains the registry (book) of members, marriages, births, deaths; recommends and implements policies for retention of records and schedules.
Representative to Canadian Yearly Meeting (CYM)
(1 plus alternate) Serves as a member of Representative Meeting, the body which acts for CYM between Yearly Meeting sessions.
Resident Friend(s):
Lives on site, responds to phone enquiries; opens, closes and cleans the Meetinghouse; supervises use of the Meetinghouse by Friends and other groups; and much more!
Please respect their privacy and use the Meetinghouse phone number for Meeting business. Please contact Property Committee with concerns.
(3-4 people, appointed for a five year term). Named as holding the assets of the Meeting, and the Meetinghouse property is registered in their names. Financial responsibility is ultimately in their trust, as are insurance, property taxes and the Dorothy Webster Trust (for education). They submit an annual report to Meeting for Business and ensure a periodic financial review is undertaken.
(1 or more people). Maintains the Meeting website and supervises use of the Meeting’s Zoom account. Under general guidance and support from Ministry & Counsel and Communications Committee.
Other Roles in
Victoria Friends Meeting

These positions are created by the Victoria community and change from time to time.
Appointments are made on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee and are typically confirmed in June and commence their work in September.
Those below are listed alphabetically by position or committee.
( 5 or more people). Make suitable childcare arrangements for First Day school.
( 1 or 2 people) Coordinate provision of ‘in person’ Meeting closers.
Education and Outreach:
(2 or 3 people) Arranges regular and occasional development activities for Friends and visitors, in close coordination with Program Committee.
Ecology Group:
(As led) Has an action-oriented focus on ecology.
(1 person) Coordinate provision of greeters before the ‘in person’ Meeting.
(2 or 3 people) Ensure provision of snacks after Meeting, and cleanup. Note: This is a facilitation role.
(1 person) Memorials for all Friends and a yearly All Souls Memorial.
(2 people) Facilitates singing of hymns & songs (before Meeting once a month and at Christmas).
Peace Earth and Social Action Committee (PESAC):
(open to all members/ attenders) Addresses various issues of political/social concern, as identified by the Meeting or PESAC individuals. Supports, and recommends VIMM donations to, non-Quaker ventures that are consistent with Friends’ concerns.
Program Committee:
(2 or 3 people) Responsible for planning regular or periodic community activities and special events or workshops. Etc… Coordinates with Education and Outreach.
(Several Friends recommended by Nominations committee). Contact for young friends. Facilitates programming, such as workshops, hikes, parties.
Zoom/Tech hosts:
(4-6 people) Open and close the Zoom space, provide spiritual ‘holding of the space’, welcome participants before Meeting for Worship and lead announcements at the end.