Earthcare Witness
Quakers are known for taking spirit-led action to address the ecological and social crises of the world, emphasizing Quaker process and testimonies. At Fern Street meeting, with leadership from our Ecology Group, we have cared for the earth in our gardening at the Meeting House.
We have entered into a Land Care Agreement with a local habitat trust society in which we pledge as follows:
This Meeting will strive to protect nature and care for our land:
- maintain abundance and diversity of native plants
- give preference to plants with little need for watering and produce food
- compost and mulch to build the soil & conserve water & irrigate efficiency
- garden without synthetic fertilizers or toxic chemicals
- maintain the beauty and utility of the grounds.
Relations with First Nations Working Group (RFNWG)
We have an active working group that researches the local history of the region; works with local First Nations groups to further our community’s knowledge and understanding; and actively participates with other interested faith groups around issues of social justice for First Nations’ peoples.
Canadian Yearly Meeting (CYM), our national organization, has sent out questions (queries) about how Quakers can become involved in the Truth and Reconciliation process.

HIV/Aids and Africa
Using funds from the Crystal Kleiman bequest, between 2015-2018, VIMM Friends partnered with American Quakers to help fund a community healthcare center in Burundi.
Our partnership with the Friends Women’s Association of Burundi and their work at the Kamenge Clinic with HIV/AIDS patients reminds us of our Quaker commitment to seek social justice, peace, and, as our founder George Fox believed, that of God in everyone.